Contributing for the first time
I have been trying to force myself to do harder things lately in order to practice and learn new things. Since i’m doing Rust full time now, i thought it would be a good a idea to contribute to the ecosystem, so i went and enabled notifications for a bunch of Rust related projects and for the Rust project itself.
I thought i would be able to keep up with the notifications. I was wrong. (obviously)
I actually go through a few notifications each day in hope to find something to work on.
First tokio contribution
Rust supports async await but it does not come with a runtime by default. It is left for the user to define which runtime their program will use and tokio is the most popular one.
I was going through my notifications as usual and one issue caught my attention: someone wanted to add a method to get the address the UdpSocket is connected to.
It seemed easy enough so i went and claimed it:
The implementation was actually pretty simple since mio already had a method that does exact what i needed.
From mio Github repository: Mio is a fast, low-level I/O library for Rust focusing on non-blocking APIs and event notification for building high performance I/O apps with as little overhead as possible over the OS abstractions.
Everything went as expected and my change got released on tokio 1.18.0.
First Rust contribution
A few days went by and a Rust issue caught my attention: a compiler message was incorrect, it turns out, fixing compiler messages is one of the main ways people start contributing to the Rust compiler.
Anyway, Rust is known for its nice error messages, it does have good error messages indeed but they come at a development cost. The Rust compiler has several functions and methods just to decide which error message to show the user.
The offender
It is actually valid to add :
after a type variable
fn foo<T:>(t: T) {
note the
The compiler would then complain that Clone is not impleted for T
and suggest it to be implemented
error[E0599]: no method named `clone` found for type parameter `T` in the current scope
--> src/
2 | t.clone();
| ^^^^^ method not found in `T`
= help: items from traits can only be used if the type parameter is bounded by the trait
help: the following trait defines an item `clone`, perhaps you need to restrict type parameter `T` with it:
1 | fn foo<T: Clone:>(t: T) {
| ~~~~~~~~
note there is an extra
in the suggestion
I thought it was easy enough and decided to fix it.
Testing that the compiler error messages are correct is pretty easy, Rust calls this type of test an ui
All i needed to do was to add a file containing the code that’s supposed to error to the ui
// Test for #95898: The trait suggestion had an extra `:` after the trait.
// edition:2021
fn foo<T:>(t: T) {
//~^ ERROR no method named `clone` found for type parameter `T` in the current scope
fn main() {}
tells the test runner that the error is expected and the test fails if the error does not occur
and a .stderr
file containing the expected error message
error[E0599]: no method named `clone` found for type parameter `T` in the current scope
--> $DIR/
LL | t.clone();
| ^^^^^ method not found in `T`
= help: items from traits can only be used if the type parameter is bounded by the trait
help: the following trait defines an item `clone`, perhaps you need to restrict type parameter `T` with it:
LL | fn foo<T: Clone>(t: T) {
| ~~~~~~~~
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
Note that we expect the suggestion to be correct in the
It took me some time to get used to the compiler but the fix was really easy thanks to WaffleLapkin who was working on a similar issue.
Second tokio contribution
tokio has the join! macro that can be used when we want to wait for several futures to complete before doing something.
Think Promise.all if javascript is your thing.
async fn process_something_1() { ... }
async fn process_something_2() { ... }
async fn main() {
let (result_1, result_2) = tokio::join!(result_1, result_2);
Future based concurrency is a cooperative model, it is pretty easy for one task to monopolize processing time if we are not careful. One way to work around this problem is to not allow a task to run forever without being interrupted by giving each task a budget and force the task to yield control back to the runtime whenever its budget is exceeded.
Task and Future will be used interchangeably
tokio does the budget think per task and each time a task interacts with a resource, its budget is decreased until it reaches 0 and control is yielded back to the scheduler.
Each task starts with a budget of 128 and the budget is consumed when interacting with a resource (a Semaphore, for example)
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::Semaphore;
async fn foo() {
// Consuming a resource decreases the budget by 1.
async fn foo() {
// Consuming a resource decreases the budget by 1.
let _permit = permits.clone().acquire_owned().await.unwrap();
async fn main() {
let permits = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(1));
// NOTE: join! creates a new task with a budget of 128
let _ = tokio::join!(
The point of giving a budget to each task to stop bad tasks from starving other tasks but it turns out, it is still possible for one task to starve other tasks because join! polls every future inside the same task which means every future passed to join! shares the same task budget of 128
Note that
creates a new task
A task can starve other tasks by just consuming the whole budget of the task that invoked join! so by the time the other tasks passed to join! are polled, the budget is already 0 which causes them to yield control back to the runtime.
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Semaphore;
async fn main() {
let permits = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(1));
// join! polls futures in the order they are passed to it.
// This future will be polled first.
// This future will be polled second.
async fn non_cooperative_task(permits: Arc<Semaphore>) {
// This future will yield back to the runtime after the loop runs 128 times.
loop {
let _permit = permits.clone().acquire_owned().await.unwrap();
// `non_cooperative_task` has been polled and now it is this futures turn.
// The bad thing is that `non_cooperative_task` consumed the whole budget
// and there's nothing left for this future to spend.
async fn poor_little_task(permits: Arc<Semaphore>) {
loop {
// Even though this future should be able to acquire the Semaphore,
// acquire_owned().await will return Poll::Pending because the budget of
// the current task is 0.
let _permit = permits.clone().acquire_owned().await.unwrap();
// This println! never gets to run.
Poll is the type returned when the runtime checks if a Future is completed. Poll::pending means the Future is not ready. In this case, the Future is actually ready but since it has no budget to spend, it pretends it isn’t ready.
First try
At first i thought we would just be able to give each future passed to join! its own budget instead of letting them share the current task budget.
By current task budget, i mean the budget of the task that invoked
join! is implemented as declarative macro
macro_rules! join {
(@ {
// One `_` for each branch in the `join!` macro. This is not used once
// normalization is complete.
( $($count:tt)* )
// Normalized join! branches
$( ( $($skip:tt)* ) $e:expr, )*
}) => {{
use $crate::macros::support::{maybe_done, poll_fn, Future, Pin};
use $crate::macros::support::Poll::{Ready, Pending};
// Safety: nothing must be moved out of `futures`. This is to satisfy
// the requirement of `Pin::new_unchecked` called below.
let mut futures = ( $( maybe_done($e), )* );
poll_fn(move |cx| {
let mut is_pending = false;
// Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut futures;
// Safety: future is stored on the stack above
// and never moved.
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) };
// Try polling
if fut.poll(cx).is_pending() {
is_pending = true;
if is_pending {
} else {
// Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut futures;
// Safety: future is stored on the stack above
// and never moved.
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) };
fut.take_output().expect("expected completed future")
// ===== Normalize =====
(@ { ( $($s:tt)* ) $($t:tt)* } $e:expr, $($r:tt)* ) => {
$crate::join!(@{ ($($s)* _) $($t)* ($($s)*) $e, } $($r)*)
// ===== Entry point =====
( $($e:expr),* $(,)?) => {
$crate::join!(@{ () } $($e,)*)
So i went on and just gave each future its own budget before polling them.
macro_rules! join {
// Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut futures;
// Safety: future is stored on the stack above
// and never moved.
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) };
// Try polling
if crate::coop::budget(|| fut.poll(cx)).is_pending() {
is_pending = true;
Note that i added
Turns out this doesn’t work. It is still pretty easy to create a future that never yields even though it consumes its whole budget:
loop {
The future would spend its budget but not the budget of the surrounding task, causing it to never yield.
Second try
Each time the task created by join! is polled, poll a different future first so as time goes by, every future gets a chance to make progress.
I took a look at select! and it is able to do just that (up to 64 branches) so i took note and modified join!.
macro_rules! join {
let mut start = 0;
// BRANCHES is the number of futures passed to join!.
for i in 0..BRANCHES {
let branch;
branch = (start + i) % BRANCHES;
match {
// $crate::count! will return the number of tokens passed to it
// up to 64 tokens.
$crate::count!( $($skip)* ) => {
// Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut futures;
// Safety: future is stored on the stack above
// and never moved.
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) };
// Try polling
if fut.poll(cx).is_pending() {
is_pending = true;
start = (start + 1) % BRANCHES;
This actually works but $crate::count!
can only count up to 64:
macro_rules! count {
() => {
(_) => {
(_ _) => {
(_ _ _) => {
// up to 64
aaaand… join! accepts up to 125 futures without changing the recursion limit so this solution wasn’t accepted because it would be a breaking change.
Third try
Start the polling round in a different future each time still seems like a good idea. To bypass $crate::count!
’s limitation, i decided to use a procedural macro.
Not actually showing code for this one because it is too long
Turns out people don’t like procedural macros very much and it was not accepted.
Fourth try
Still the same solution but implemented in a different way. What if instead of using $crate::count!
inside the macro to get the index of a future, we counted up front?
join! already does some normalization before actually processing the input, so i modified the normalization branches to pair the future index with the future itself.
macro_rules! join {
(@ {
// One `_` for each branch in the `join!` macro. This is not used once
// normalization is complete.
( $($count:tt)* )
// The expression `0+1+1+ ... +1` equal to the number of branches.
( $($total:tt)* )
// Normalized join! branches
$( ( $($skip:tt)* ) ( $($branch_index:tt)* ) $e:expr, )*
}) => {{
let mut start = 0;
// BRANCHES is the number of futures passed to join!.
for i in 0..BRANCHES {
let branch;
branch = (start + i) % BRANCHES;
const INDEX: u32 = $($branch_index)*;
if branch == INDEX {
// Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut futures;
// Safety: future is stored on the stack above
// and never moved.
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) };
// Try polling
if fut.poll(cx).is_pending() {
is_pending = true;
start = (start + 1) % BRANCHES;
// ===== Normalize =====
(@ { ( $($s:tt)* ) ( $($n:tt)* ) $($t:tt)* } $e:expr, $($r:tt)* ) => {
// i'm new ▼
$crate::join!(@{ ($($s)* _) ($($n)* + 1) $($t)* ($($s)*) ($($n)*) $e, } $($r)*)
// ===== Entry point =====
( $($e:expr),* $(,)?) => {
// i'm new ▼
$crate::join!(@{ () (0) } $($e,)*)
It works but could be faster. Say we pass 5 futures to join!
, how many times would the if statements that check if it is the future’s turn to be polled conditions be checked?
Fifth try (the last one)
The same idea still, poll a different future first every time, except we avoid checking if statement conditions without necessity.
macro_rules! join {
(@ {
// One `_` for each branch in the `join!` macro. This is not used once
// normalization is complete.
( $($count:tt)* )
// The expression `0+1+1+ ... +1` equal to the number of branches.
( $($total:tt)* )
// Normalized join! branches
$( ( $($skip:tt)* ) $e:expr, )*
}) => {{
use $crate::macros::support::{maybe_done, poll_fn, Future, Pin};
use $crate::macros::support::Poll::{Ready, Pending};
// Safety: nothing must be moved out of `futures`. This is to satisfy
// the requirement of `Pin::new_unchecked` called below.
let mut futures = ( $( maybe_done($e), )* );
// Each time the future created by poll_fn is polled, a different future will be polled first
// to ensure every future passed to join! gets a chance to make progress even if
// one of the futures consumes the whole budget.
// This is number of futures that will be skipped in the first loop
// iteration the next time.
let mut skip_next_time: u32 = 0;
poll_fn(move |cx| {
const COUNT: u32 = $($total)*;
let mut is_pending = false;
let mut to_run = COUNT;
// The number of futures that will be skipped in the first loop iteration.
let mut skip = skip_next_time;
skip_next_time = if skip + 1 == COUNT { 0 } else { skip + 1 };
// This loop runs twice and the first `skip` futures
// are not polled in the first iteration.
loop {
if skip == 0 {
if to_run == 0 {
// Every future has been polled
to_run -= 1;
// Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut futures;
// Safety: future is stored on the stack above
// and never moved.
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) };
// Try polling
if fut.poll(cx).is_pending() {
is_pending = true;
} else {
// Future skipped, one less future to skip in the next iteration
skip -= 1;
if is_pending {
} else {
// Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut futures;
// Safety: future is stored on the stack above
// and never moved.
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) };
fut.take_output().expect("expected completed future")
Honestly, i had a lot of help from Darksonn.