Token bucket is an algorithm that can be used to rate limit requests made or received by a service.
How it works
The algorithm is called token bucket because of the way it works: imagine we have a bucket with x
tokens where each accepted request consumes one token from the bucket and a token is added back to the bucket at an interval.
A bucket with 1
token that is refilled each second means the service accepts one request per second.
A bucket with 5
tokens where a token is added to the bucket every 1/5
seconds means the service accepts 5
requests per second.
A bucket with x
tokens where a token is added to the bucket every 1/x
seconds means the service accepts x
requests per second.
Requests that are received when the bucket is empty can just be dropped or enqueued to be handled later.
Implementation in Rust
The source code can be found here.
The bucket will accept x
requests per second.
struct Config {
/// The number of requests that can be accepted every second.
requests_per_second: usize,
struct Bucket {
config: Config,
/// How many requests we can accept at this time.
tokens: AtomicUsize,
/// Sends are actually never made in this channel.
/// It is used only for the worker thread to know when the bucket
/// has been dropped and exit.
close_channel_sender: Sender<()>,
A thread is spawned to refill the bucket every 1/Config::requests_per_second
, at this rate the bucket will accept around Config::requests_per_second
requests per second.
impl Bucket {
pub fn new(config: Config) -> Arc<Self> {
let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded::<()>();
let tokens = AtomicUsize::new(1);
let bucket = Arc::new(Self {
close_channel_sender: sender,
let bucket_clone = Arc::downgrade(&bucket);
std::thread::spawn(move ||
bucket_clone, receiver
fn add_tokens_to_bucket_on_interval(bucket: Weak<Bucket>, receiver: Receiver<()>) {
let interval = {
match bucket.upgrade() {
None => {
"unable to define interval to add tokens to bucket
because bucket has been dropped"
Some(bucket) =>
Duration::from_secs_f64(1.0 / (bucket.config.requests_per_second as f64)),
debug!(?interval, "will add tokens to bucket at interval");
let ticker = crossbeam_channel::tick(interval);
loop {
select! {
recv(ticker) -> _ => match bucket.upgrade() {
None => {
debug!("cannot upgrade Weak ref to Arc, exiting");
Some(bucket) => {
let _ = bucket
.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |tokens| {
Some(std::cmp::min(tokens + 1, bucket.config.requests_per_second))
recv(receiver) -> message => {
// An error is returned when we try to received from a
// channel that has been closed and this channel
// will only be closed when the bucket is dropped.
if message == Err(RecvError) {
bucket has been dropped,
won't try to add tokens to the bucket anymore"
And a function can be called to find out if there’s enough tokens in the bucket to accept a request. A token is consumed if the request is accepted.
impl Bucket {
/// Returns true if there's enough tokens in the bucket.
pub fn acquire(&self) -> bool {
.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |tokens| {
Some(if tokens > 0 { tokens - 1 } else { tokens })
.map(|tokens_in_the_bucket| tokens_in_the_bucket > 0)